We are delighted to welcome submissions for the 2020 SI Leeds Literary Prize from 1 January – 30 April 2020. The link to our submissions site will be live from the new year and we look forward to receiving your entries! As in previous years, our winning writer will receive a £3,000 cash prize plus a free place on an Arvon residential writing course, a full manuscript assessment and other support from The Literary Consultancy, an opportunity to attend the New Writing North summer salon, serious consideration for publication by Peepal Tree Press and much more. Please spread the word and check back here from January for the submissions portal.
2016 winner Amita Murray explains what the Prize has meant to her career:
“For anything good that happens in my writing career, in my mind it will all go back to this award. A year later I have a two novel deal with Harper Collins and after a four publishing house auction, I’m also signed with Random House Blanvalet in Germany. One of the most priceless things to come out of the award is the spontaneous, surprising friendships with fellow writers. A year later the short list still meets up for lunch and writerly gossip.”
2016 winner Amita Murray with head judge Kadija George and SIGBI President Margaret Emsley (photo: Max Farrar)